Thursday 10 November 2011

Try Once Again

The Quote said by Lord Buddha "Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm". Our aims and goals become fruits when they turn into Success. Achieving Success is not a simple matter.There will be many sleepless nights and a lot of hard work behind a person's Success.No matter some may reach it through by Luck.Even you should do hard work to withstand with what you have gained by luck.If not the luck will leave you in a short span of time.

 "Purity,Patience, Perseverance" are the 3P's which are essential that work in with your efforts.Don't blame yourselves that you'll achieve success with a little effort.First of all you should be true to yourself and your thoughts.Success does not come in a night.It is a great deed.Failures may occur.But neither discourage your self that you are not eligible to nor blame others for.Don't hesitate to take a step to "Try Once Again".Rather than escaping from it that you can't,stick to your goal and work for it until you reach it.It is a relation which will ever lastingly be with us with the attempts we make.Our efforts won't go in vain if we are sincere towards it.

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